my emilia

i am lucky enough to have some of my closest friends living and working with me in columbus.
my good friend emily makes me terribly happy. recently, not quite sure what i would have done without her. i would like to believe the feeling is mutal...
one of the main ingrediants in our reciepe for "the perfect summer"

10 things that make emily terribly happy.

1. Spring time mornings
2. Leaving campus during the day time.. makes me happy. Having bloody marys on a week day at noon make me TERRIBLY happy.
3. Bon Fires on cold-er summer nights
4. Wine + Friends. Mixed
5. summer time-being out all day . not having showered in days except for chlorine or salt water . feet up in the car. listening to loud music..
6. real snow. oh in the swiss alps. EVERYTHING is white.
7. cash, money, clothes
8. weekends
9. drolling over sexy eye candy with a single mate . that is fun.
10. Not sure from experience but i can imagine the DRAAK blood in any sitution would prob make me pretttttty happy.