the perfect saturday morning

i have been on a quest for creating the perfect banana muffin recipe and after many trials i believe i have finally crafted a recipe that is perfect and semi healthy.

step 1: brew some coffee.

step 2: put on some chill out music.
my personal suggestion is something like stars, pete yorn, barcelona, or the temper trap.

step 3: light a candle.

you will need the following ingredients :

- an oven at 350 degrees
- 4 browning bananas
it is seriously best if these bananas are on the brink of going bad.
- 1 cup whole wheat flour
- 1 cup all purpose flour
-1/4 butter
-2 eggs
-1/4 tsp baking soda
-1 1/4 baking power
- 1/2 cup splenda
-1/2 cup brown sugar
-cinnamon and nutmeg

start by mashing the bananas in a bowl with a fork. i like to leave them kind of chunky but you can mash them till the are smooth too.

add the eggs, butter and vanilla.
there really isnt a given measurement for the vanilla. if i had to give a measurement i would say a tablespoon. My mom always said just to add a splash more that whats called for, so I have just grown to eyeball the amount.

in a separate bowl mix both flours, sugars, baking soda and powder.

next add the banana mixture to the flour mixture and fold together with a spoon.

once that is all mixed together this is the point where i lightly cover the surface of the batter with cinnamon and nutmeg. honestly, i dont think i could add enough cinnamon, but i do keep it within reason.

now the batter is ready to be spooned into a muffin pan and ready for the crumbly topping.

in a tiny bowl, mix together:
1 tablespoon of all purpose flour, cinnamon and brown sugar and butter (in stick form cut up)

after batter is spooned into the pan, sprinkle crumble toping on and stick it in the oven.

bake for about 20-25 min and repeat until batter is gone.

at the end of this, i have had the perfect saturday morning.